My God. This week’s photo challenge was kinda tricky. You have to define “Old Fashioned” first and search it all over your house and surrounding. Honestly, I couldn’t find anything you can call “Old Fashioned”. There are so many old things in my house, but it’s not really a weekly photo challenge material. Like my mom’s old stove, or even my parent’s wall clock they have from Jusuf Kalla. They’re so not.. Display-able. I happened to search my ol’ Sony Walkman, but I guess I’ve already gave it to someone. So this is the best I can do. A picture of my Mom in her golden age, when she’s still an aerobic teacher.
Sorry to interrupt your joyful moment buddies, but My Mom is the one with pink suit. Not the one with Eva Arnaz’s trademark. Enjoy my “old fashioned” picture with all your heart!
16 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Old Fashioned”
Titiw… :”( #speechless
Apa mbaaakk? Aku berubahhh? :'(
nyiahahahaha ini ngehits!!! *elus bulu keteknya* tante, mau dong diajarin aerobik :D
Sini nak.. tante ajarin.. *rangkul dengan ketek basah*
alhamdulillah…kirain mama titiw yg ber…. alhamdulillah
Alhamdu..? LILLAAAHH..
beuhhhh fotonya.. pengen cabut 1 deh :)) gemes..
Sok aja cabuuuut.. :))
Hahahaa… sumpah ini sih benar2 ollllddd…
Ya Tuhan, aku langsung ingat baju senamku dulu yg model kayak gini wakakakaa….
Jadi, secara nggak langsung mbak Zee bilang kalo dirimu setua mamaku..? ohhh.. #barutahu.. xD
Hahahaa… Beti kayaknya Tiw. Mamiku dulu juga senam pakek gitu bajunya. Trus waktu aku SMA, mulai ikutan senam juga…. masih kek gitulah bajunya… kan itu 90-an. LOL.
90s rocks mbakkkk! Secara aku gede tahun 90an. Hiyahaha.. :D
emang dulu bener2 kek gt ya?
kayaknya aku brojol langsung di era millenium gini
Muahahah!! Ah kamu.. sama dong kita, lahir di era milenium.. *digampar buku lupus*
hahhahaa….good old times
Indeed… ;)