What is the big blue sea in the sky?
The one where all the many birds fly
The one where the kites soar so high
What is the big blue sea in the sky?
The one where the trees don’t reach
The one that’s longer than the longest beachWhat is the big blue sea in the sky?
The one where the clouds swirl ‘round
Higher than the howl of a hound
The one that nothing can it touch
Can the big blue sea do that much?Moving no further than a post to its stand
The big blue sea is destined to never touch land
There are ups-and-downs to being so huge
You can sort of guess why it’s so blue
Sometimes it can’t even see
Poor, poor big blue sea
The clouds that cover it make it half blind
It’s there and clouds cover it -but it’s behindThe big blue sea in the sky
It never did, ever, say hi
I see it most days but it never says a word
If I said hi would it even have heard
Well big blue sea in the sky
I guess today I’ll try my first hi
~ Big Blue Sea In The Sky by AJ Ettellig ~
12 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Sky”
keren. foto di mana ini kamu? :)
Thanks. I took it @ Sukabumi about 2 years ago.. :)
Love the shot — almost looks like the clouds are coming off the tips of the tree!
I’m very flattered! And your opinion is just the same with mine. Thanks! :)
waaa….KEREN A B I S!!!!
I wonder when am gunna be able to take pictures like that…ummmm
Well thanks, dear! It’s all about moment. Cuz FYI, i just used my ol pocket cam for taking this kind of pic. :)
greetings by
Greetings. Nice pictures you have.. :)
huwaaa ini bagus fotonya.. eh, kok yg proyek foto awan2 itu blm ada lg tiw? :)
Cloud project..? udah pilah pilih foto, tapi belum dipublish sih. hehe.. Menyusul, segera! :D
ti gw ganteng abis kan? hahaha
…… *krik.. Krik..*