Engagement Day: The Video

Foto Pertunangan

Remember my previous post about the engagement day? Well at the first place I didn’t think that we should’ve had a proper documentation like the video and pictures for the sake of our budget. But on the second thought,  I feel like “Oh come on, you can shake your ass harder to gain more cash, just have a shot!”

And here I am, sharing a video of our engagement day. This is the final revision, since the first one’s color was a bit gloomy (cloudy & less lighting). It has 2 versions as well, the cut version and the one with testimonials from family and friends. As for the music, it’s She & Him song “Me and You”. I know it’s not a song about love, but the videographer has already made it and we kinda dig that song. So, what do you think about the video? :D



4 thoughts on “Engagement Day: The Video”

  1. I don’t know, apakah seharusnya kita punya 2 dokumentasi atau gak. Maksudku, video tersebut kan cuma ‘klip’ aja. Jatohnya lebih ke ‘nyeni’.

    Karena menurutku, biar bagaimana pun, event sesakral ini tetap perlu dokumentasi a la video biasa. Bukan klip manis yg ceritanya pengen nyeni kaya gini aja.

    Jd bener2 divideoin momen demi momen, detik demi detik tanpa director’s cut.

    Cukup sekian.

    1. Tapi kalo yang versi dokumentasi semuanya gitu kita kan masalahnya gak punya source untuk videoin. Kalo ada mah enak banget.. Ini kan buat orang2 ngeliat aja gambarannya gemana sih kalo engagement video. Gitu kangmas..

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Pulau Padar Titiw


Ngeblog sejak 2005

Female, Double (hamdallah sudah laku), berkacamata minus satu setengah yang dipake kalo mau lihat nomor angkutan umum doang. Virgo abal-abal yang sudah menjadi blogger sejak tahun 2005 yang pengalaman menulisnya diasah lewat situs pertemanan friendster.

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